Cabin Cruiser - 26', fully customized, diesel powered

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Contact Scott Farnam
$ 17,500.00
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** Several people suggested I price the boat separately so I removed some items **

The 10’ beam makes this boat more spacious than typical 26 footers. It’s a diesel powered (Yanmar 4LH-DTE commercial) inboard, live-aboard ready, fully customized cabin cruiser, with many extras. Great for exploring the Sea of Cortez from San Carlos. Has water maker, color echo sounder / fish finder, GPS chart plotter, standard and handheld VHF radios, plus a Yaesu HF ham radio modified to transmit on both ham and marine frequencies. And of course lots of fishing gear. Trailer is custom fabricated heavy duty 3 axel aluminum and stainless steel with spare wheel, tire and spare parts.

Now not included but available is a Avon 4 person dingy, Aire Lynx 1 inflatable kayak, scuba compressor w/ 2 tanks recently hydro tested plus assorted scuba gear. And much more so contact me for details. Scott Farnam 602-376-0686.

It’s all ready to go for great adventures!!

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